Looking NE from Cerro Dragon

Looking NE from Cerro Dragon
180° panorama, looking NE from Cerro Dragon on Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Quito (Ecuador) - Galapagos - Mindo (Ecuador) Feb 5 - Feb 18, 2022


The trip was arranged with Naturalist Journeys; we flew Orlando-Houston-Quito and return. It involved one self-rranged day in Quito, a week touring the Galapagos Islands on the yacht MV Letty, and a few days roaming the Andes west of Quito.


The Galapagos were wonderful; bucket list trip. Ecuador was great. Our Galapagos guides (Diego and Carolina) were fantastic, as were the crew of the shift. Our one-day stay at the Puembo Birding Garden, was excellent, as was our trip to Quito old city. 


The organization of the trip was mediocre at best. Itineraries were constantly in flux. Our Ecuadorian guide was neurotic. The Galapagos leg involved a huge amount of snorkeling (unadvertised in advance) and those of us who didn't snorkel were simply left to cool our heels. And while most of our fellow travelers were great, we had a few people with serious issues (and you know who you are). The group was much too big for birding. 

Day 14, August 7: Mana Pools National Park

Our morning drive visited several of them.