Looking NE from Cerro Dragon

Looking NE from Cerro Dragon
180° panorama, looking NE from Cerro Dragon on Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos

Friday, July 26, 2024

Day 2, July 26: Top of the World

 I dutifully got up at 5:30 am local, body clock totally scrambled, in search of hoopoes at Dubai Creek Park. where the security guard said he couldn't admit me until 8 am. But on the way to the park there were grumpy-looking common mynas,

...as well as red-vented and white cheeked bulbuls and palm doves.

After a pretty decent breakfast at the hotel, which lacked only bacon, we headed out on the metro, two changes and 8 stops to the Dubai Mall and Burj Khalifa.

The metro itself was clean, cool, fast, and driverless.

We walked about ½ mile through air-conditioned walkways to the Dubai Mall, which was absolutely stunning. At least 5 levels, and so huge one could spend one's life there. One never even had to break the 40°C air outside. I even found a store that carried the Canon EH-R adaptor I'd forgotten to bring. It was 6 times the online price, but beggars can't be choosers.

The Burj itself was, well, very tall, and quite vertiginous. The view over Dubai and the Persian Gulf from the 153rd floor was limited only by the haze.

After lunch, and a short but searing walk to a pharmacy to get Marjorie more bandages, we took a time-zone induced nap, then went to the roof of the hotel to enjoy the view and the sunset.

The Burj is off in the distance, center left.

And this is the Dubai Frame, framing the docks and the Gulf in the sunset.

Another day!

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