Looking NE from Cerro Dragon

Looking NE from Cerro Dragon
180° panorama, looking NE from Cerro Dragon on Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos

Monday, August 12, 2024

Day 19, August 12: Aberfoyle Lodge, Honde Valley

 A day from Hell. It started OK; we checked out of Seldomseen Lodge, only slightly singed by the charge for wine, and birded the Mambo for a couple of hours...A black-headed oriole...

A crowned hornbill

....and the ever popular Retz's helmetshrike.

...fortified afterward by some bacon-and-egg sandwiches ken and Sue had obligingly made.Then we headed north for Mutarazi falls, which Frank had visited 10 years previously. They are supposedly the second-highest in Africa. Beyond Mutes, the road through the pine plantations was heavily rutted dirt, and it took over an hour-an-a-half to get to the entrance...

Where we discover the entire place had changed. In 2019 they built a zipline and a skywalk (rope-bridge) over the falls. The gummint wanted $50 to cross the skywalk (special high price for international visitors!). We asked to walk out the 500 m to the view point, but all we could see was a small stream coursing over boulders and disappearing over the edge of the mountain. I wouldn't say I was disappointed, since I expected very little, and had already characterized this is Frank's lamest idea yet. Frank eagerly encouraged us to try the second viewpoint, a mere 800 m hike away. I resoundingly refused.  So Marjorie and I chugged down some vodka and soda concoction, Zimbabwe priced at $2 each, and then clambered back into the bus, The drivers discovered the real entrance, used by the Zimbabwean hordes. Just as rutted, but significantly shorter. 

It was nearly dark when we drove through the tea-plantations to Aberfoyle Lodge, a rather beautiful hotel founded, it turns out, by an Irishman, Bill Igoe. Bill had to sell out in the 1970s and then part of the property was a grabbed by Mugabe's goons. But the hotel, now under the management of a British company, survived, and is being managed by Ken and Sue's daughter and her English husband.

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