Looking NE from Cerro Dragon

Looking NE from Cerro Dragon
180° panorama, looking NE from Cerro Dragon on Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos

Friday, March 15, 2024

Lesser Antilles day 11: Martinique

We boarded a ferry in Castries harbor to get across the channel to Fort au France, Martinique. 

A Brown Booby welcomed us. 

We were dumped in the Parc la Savane while our guides went in search of a rental car, and so took the opportiunity to have some beer at Snack Super Maxinis, before we briefly inspected the ornate Bibliothèque Schœlcher.

Then it was off, across the island, through an interminable series of rotaries. 

Lunch included delicious blood sausage.

at the Oasis Beach restaurant. Then off to La Caravelle, where there was a Lesser Antillean Saltator.

Tried like heck to get a picture of the White-breasted thrasher that was digging through the leaf little, but this is the best I could do.

...and believe it or not, this is a female Carib Grackle.

We also saw a Broad-winged Hawk, Black-whiskered Vireos, Tropical Mockingbirds, a Spectacled Thrush, Bananaquits (Lesser Antillean), and a Lesser Antillean Bullfinch.

Then it was back to the Karibea squash hotel, for fruity drinks, all bought with Euros, and dinner, which was quite good. The view from our room, out over the bay, was lovely, but we were jacked, so we turned in.

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