Looking NE from Cerro Dragon

Looking NE from Cerro Dragon
180° panorama, looking NE from Cerro Dragon on Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Lesser Antilles Day 12; Martinique, and then to Guadeloupe.

 Breakfast was fantastic. This is a nice hotel. And it was early, because we were off to the Jardin de Balata in the center of the Island. I also found my camera batteries were dead, so it was iPhone time. Still, this is a pretty fair shot of a Martinique Oriole.

And here's a somewhat pugilistic looking lesser antillean bullfinch.

Moving on further, we saw a Blue-headed Hummingbird, a Rufous-throated Solitaire, Caribbean Elaenias, Black-whiskered Vireos, Gray Tremblers, Rufous-throated Solitaire, Spectacled Thrush,Shiny Cowbirds, Carib Grackles, a Yellow Warbler, Black-faced Grassquits, and Lesser Antillean Saltators.

Then it was off to the airport, and on to Guadeloupe, where we discovered to our delight (?) that our hotel, la Maison Creole in le Gosier, was hosting a stripper contest. But it shut down early, and so did we. 

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